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Foreign Spouses: Trending Upwards

The New York Times is reporting on a growing trend, cross-national intermarriage.  This is not a new phenomenon, but the numbers are growing significantly, and so the issues surrounding these sorts of mixed marriages are gaining attention.

An article by Lauren Collins provides some interesting details. Over 7% of marriages now taking place in America involve a foreign born partner. Here in Hawaii the number is much higher, just over 16%. And these numbers appear to be growing.

Collins points out that there are challenges in the intermarriage process, cultural perspectives to be overcome, languages to learn, decisions about where to live, which menu to adopt, and that these also have their upsides as rewarding opportunities for personal growth if managed well.

The challenge that no one seems to enjoy is the immigration paperwork involved, but at least there is professional assistance available. If you are in an international relationship and need help sorting out the application paperstorm, call us, we can help. So you can worry about the important issues, like whether to have burgers and fries for dinner, or boeuf bourguignon.